About: The Perfect Bite


I long for my guests to experience a moment with the dish I’ve put before them. I’ve discovered that the ultimate secret to being a good cook is having a great love for the people for whom you’re cooking… and a deep passion for the food you are preparing.

I want to take everyday meals that are familiar… and give them a bit of a gourmet twist. Or show how simple (and tasty!) it is do do something like make your own cheese or yogurt or soup stock. I hope to share impressive dishes that are possible for the everyday meal-maker in your home. And of course, we’ll create a signature cocktail or two.

I have a reputation for wanting people to enjoy a perfectly combined taste of everything from their plate… to understand “why” I put all those flavors together. I really just want you to experience “The Perfect Bite”…

So join me in the kitchen! I’d love your feedback as you try these recipes on your own. Please leave comments and if you try out a recipe – please let me know.  With your help maybe I’ll finally get that cook book written.

Bon Appetit! Debbie

One thought on “About: The Perfect Bite

  1. Hi there!

    My name is Patrick Hester and I work at ABC’s The Chew. I love this photo you posted and want to possibly use it on air! Please e-mail me at patrick.x.hester.-nd@abc.com confirming that we may use your photo for all media, worldwide, in perpetuity.

    Please also provide your full name and hometown (city, state) in your e-mail.

    Thanks so much!

    Patrick Hester
    ABC’s The Chew

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